Divorce is a painful experience for all involved and for a child it is the closest to a near death experience for a child and for some children it has a long term effect while others may have a short term experience. Studies show the only time divorce works for a child is when the child(ren) lived in home environment that was so chaotic they could not tell what was going to happen, fly or fall, in this instance child(ren) are relieved when a divorce takes place.
In an effort to reduce the trauma a child may experience; there are specific things parents can do and among them are the most important and critical ones as follows:
•Avoid disruptions to your child’s routine
•Keep your spouse involved in your child’s life
•Don’t fight with your spouse in front of your child(ren)
•Don’s criticize, blame or minimize your spouse in front of or to your child
•Don’t force your child to be a spy and report to you about your spouse
•Don’t make your child take on the role of your caretaker or confidant
Recognizing these aforementioned factors; Terem Ed has created a class/course that addresses the needs of children and one that strives to help children:
• Understand their feelings are normal and that they are not alone.
• Express their thoughts and feelings productively in a neutral, supportive environment.
• Understand how divorce affects them and learn skills to handle their reactions to it.
• See problems differently and create coping skills that lead to life changes related and
unrelated to divorce.
• Understand that many types of families are possible.
(813) 951-4991
Please contact our office to set up a time for your child to take this class.
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